Why Do You Worry? | Encouraging Sermon on Faith and Trust

Transformation: Embracing Change through Faith | Sermon on Spiritual Growth
In this powerful sermon, we explore the theme of transformation through the lens of faith. Discover how embracing change can lead to spiritual growth and a deeper connection with God. Whether you’re facing challenges…

Your Actions Define Your Faith
Welcome to our latest sermon, “Your Actions Define Your Faith,” delivered by Pastor Tom Dombrowski. In this inspiring message, Pastor Tom delves into the story of David and Goliath, highlighting how our actions reflect our…

The Value of Desperate Faith
Embark on a spiritual journey with our sermon on #DesperateFaith, drawing inspiration from Luke 8:43-48. Explore the #PowerOfBelief and experience the #MiracleWithin as we reflect on this transformative scripture. #Luke84348 #FaithJourney …

Will He Find Faith on the Earth? – A Powerful Sermon by Pastor Tom
Join us for an inspiring and thought-provoking sermon by Pastor Tom as he delves deep into the question, “Will He Find Faith on the Earth?” Drawing inspiration from Luke 18:1-8, Pastor Tom explores the profound…